Truck Pull
INFORMATION: Natasha Campbell
Jayden Dowdall Memorial Ring - Friday August 29th, 2025
Weigh In - 5:30 pm
Pull Starts - 7:00 pm
Entry Fee $10.00
New this year: Helmets are mandatory in ALL Classes - No Exceptions.
PRIZE MONEY - 1st $150.00, 2nd $75.00, 3rd $50.00 /class
Class Weight
Stock Gas Truck Under 6,500 lbs.
Stock Gas Truck Under 7,500 lbs.
Diesel Truck Under 8,200 lbs. - no hanging weights.
Diesel Truck Under 8,500 lbs.
4x4 Stock Truck Rules (for gas and diesel stock trucks only)
Stock truck - this includes original engine for the vehicle.
D.O.T. approved tires only.
Factory stock suspension only.
Truck hitch height must not exceed 26 inches.
All weight will be no further than the rear box.
Only the operator may be in the vehicle while pulling. NO PASSENGERS.
Classes will be by weight.
No fuel additives, nitrous, etc.
If the competitor does not exceed 75 feet, in his /her first attempt he/she may try again and their second pull will be their measured pull.
While pulling the competitor must obey the flagman, failure to do this may result in disqualification.
If there is a protest/complaint against a competing vehicle the final decision will be made by Perth Fair officials.
Reckless driving before, during or after your pull may lead to disqualification.
Vehicles must be licensed and insured.
Seatbelts are mandatory.
You may choose to jump to next class.
Trucks must weight in after each pull, if you do not weigh in after or exceed the weight, your are disqualified..
Pro Street Diesel Class Rules
Seatbelts and helmets are mandatory.
26” hitch height no further than centerline rear axel, furthest point rear of truck.
No further than 60” from centerline of front axle for hanging weights.
8,500lbs overall weight.
All weight MUST be secured safely.
Vehicles must be licensed and insured.
D.O.T approved tires only.
Final decisions will be made by Perth Fair officials.
Pull offs will be at the discretion of officials.
Trucks only allowed to enter one class.
Only the operator may be in the vehicle while pulling. NO PASSENGERS.
If the competitor does not exceed 75 feet, in his/her first attempt he/she may try again and their second pull will be their measured pull.
Reckless driving before, during or after your pull may lead to disqualification.
Trucks must weight in after each pull, if you do not weigh in after or exceed the weight, your are disqualified..