Tractor Pull
Jayden Dowdall Memorial Ring - Monday, September 1, 2025, 10:00 AM
INFORMATION: 613-267-4104
REGISTRATION: $20/per tractor, per class
New this year: Helmets are mandatory in ALL Classes - No Exceptions.
New this year: 2 classes per tractor plus open class
Only one driver per tractor unless approved by Fair official
PRIZE MONEY - 1st $65.00, 2nd 50.00, 3rd $35.00c
OPEN - 1st $100.00, 2nd $80.00, 3rd $50.00
Antique Tractors (1960 & older) - Up to 3,500lbs • Up to 4,500lbs • Up to 5,500lbs • Up to 6,500lbs • Up to 7,500lbs • Up to 8,500lbs • Up to 10,500lbs • OPEN
Farm Stock Tractors (1961 & newer) - Up to 5500lbs • Up to 6500lbs • Up to 7500lbs • Up to 8500lbs Up to 10,500lbs • OPEN FOR Single-Engine Modified Tractors (exhibition only)
New this season: as the sled hook has changed, all hitch holes must be a minimum of 3 ¾ inches
long by 3 inches wide -
Stock tractors must have a hood, floor boards, a grill, fenders, a seat and must be stock appearing
Tractor draw bar height is 20 inches from the top of the hitching device to the ground
Tractor hitches (draw bars) must be stationary in all directions
Tractor exhaust systems (mufflers) must be pointed away from the spectators
All drivers must remain seated during the pull
Tractors must be in neutral with hand raised while hooking and unhooking from sled
Pulling vehicle must remain in bounds at all times. Out of bounds may result in disqualification
All weights must be secured on tractor, no weights behind rear axle. Loss of weights on track during pull may result in disqualification
While pulling, the competitor must obey the track officials, failure to do so may result in disqualification
If there is a problem with a puller or their vehicle, officlas must be notified before vehicle leaves the track
Pullers have the option to stop their pull within the first 75 feet and try again. Their second pull will be their measured pull
The first competitor of each class will be the test puller and at the completion of his or her pull, may elect to pull again in the third or last position. If driver elects to do this, their first pull will not count
Sled operator and track officials have the right to restart the class if it is determined the sled is too light or too heavy
No tractors are to be left running while unattended by the operator
Tractors must be operated in a safe manner at all times
Next puller must be on deck and ready to pull