The Midway
The Perth & District Agricultural Society is proud to have a more than 20 year history with Robertson Amusements to bring ride and game amusements to the local community.
Ride Tickets at Booth during fair)
Bracelet -$40.00 (Friday ONLY)
Family Pack (16) $30.00
26 Tickets $45.00
Single Tickets $2.00
Ride Bracelets are on sale Friday, August 29th from Noon-9:00pm, available on the grounds from the ticket booths.
Ride Bracelets are only valid on Friday, August 29th from Noon-11pm
Ride Tickets are in effect throughout the fair
Advance Midway Tickets (35 tickets) $50.00 - can be purchased at the Perth Fair office (located behind the Lion's Hall) or online
For more information on Robertson Amusements, including their employment opportunities at the Perth Fair, go to www.robertsonamusements.com.