Seed & Grain
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Please note the Rules Governing the Perth Fair. They pertain to all classes. Please read them carefully.
Committee Contact: Doug & Trina Conboy
- All exhibits in class 402 must be in place between 6:30 p.m. and 9:30p.m. on Thursday,August 29th in the Lindsay Campbell Barn, ready for judging.
- Seed and Grain must have been grown by the
exhibitor during the current year (soybeans, must be
grown in the previous year).
- Two or more persons working a farm in partnership
may make one entry only in a section.
- When “Sheaf” is called for, Sheaf must be at least
3" in diameter at centre and corn must contain 12
stalks. Sheaves less than 3" will be disqualified.
-Stands are available at the Lindsay Campbell Barn.
- Plastic bags are available at the Fair Office for grain
and silage entries.
PRIZE MONEY (402-1 to 12) - 1st $15.00,
2nd $12.00, 3rd $9.00, 4th $6.00, 5th $4.00
PRIZE MONEY (402-13 to 16) (ALL AGES)
1st $25.00, 2nd $20.00, 3rd $15.00, 4th $10.00, 5th 5.00
PRIZE MONEY (402 -17 to 27) - 1st $10.00, 2nd
$8.00, 3rd $6.00, 4th $4.00, 5th $2.00
Most Points Seed & Grain
Prize donated by Jockbrae Farms Ltd. & River
Run Farms
1st place Grain Sheaf
Dodds & Erwin Ltd.
1st place silage sheaf
DLF Kurtis McRae
Best Half Bushel Grain
Cornerstone Grain
Most Points Overall
Prize donated by MacEwen’s Agricentre Inc.
402 - Seed & Grain
1. Oats - 6 lbs
2. Barley - 2 Row 6 lbs
3. Barley - 6 Row - 6 lbs
4. Corn Silage - 6 Ears
5. Corn Grain Sheaf - 12 Stalks
6. Corn Silage - 12 Stalks
7. Corn Silage - 6 lbs
8. Grain Corn - 6 Ears
9. Grain Corn - 1/2 Bushel
10. Best 1/2 Bushel Sileage Corn on Cob
11. Spring/fall/winter Wheat - 6 lbs
12. Soybeans - 6 lbs
13. Sheaf Oats
14. Sheaf Wheat
15. Sheaf Barley
16. Sheaf Soybeans
Juniors (aged 10 years and under):
17. Longest cob of corn - Jr
18. Tallest corn stalk - cannot include root - Jr
19. Tallest soybean plant - cannot include root- Jr
Juniors (aged 15 years and younger):
20. Oats - 6 lbs - JR
21. Barley - 2 Row 6 lbs - JR
22. Barley - 6 Row - 6 lbs - JR
23. Corn Silage - 6 Ears - JR
24. Corn Silage - 6 lbs - JR
25. Grain Corn - 6 Ears - JR
26. Spring/fall/winter Wheat - 6 lbs - JR
27. Soybeans - 6 Lbs - JR