Poultry Show
Go to www.assistexpo.ca/perthfair to easily create an account and submit your entry form
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Please note Rules Governing the Perth Fair. They pertain to all classes. Please read them carefully
Chairperson: Frank Goodfellow - 613-985-6234
Committee: Jeff, Lisa and Krissy Draper, Franklin
Goodfellow, Greg Cole
ENTRY FEE - 15% of prize money, Juniors N/C
Note: An exhibitor may enter 3 exhibits in each
section including AOV - AOC - AV - AC
1. Entry forms to be submitted to fair office before
Friday August 23rd.
2. Entries (poultry) are to be brought in caged, to the
Fantasy Farm Friday, August 30th from 6:00p.m.-
9:00p.m. or Saturday, August 31st, before 9:30a.m.
3. Entries must remain until 4:00p.m. Monday
September 2nd or prize money is forfeited, entries
(poultry) must be removed by 6:00p.m. Monday,
September 2nd.
4. Additional classes will not be opened.
5. Feed and water will be supplied.
1st $4.00, 2nd $3.00, 3rd $2.00
RIBBONS for 1st, 2nd, 3rd are available upon
Grand Champion Bird in Show
Best Chicken ~Best Waterfowl ~Best Pigeon
Champion Junior Entry
Standard Fowl
Sub-classes: Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet
1. Brahma
2. Brahma, AOV
3. Cochin, white
4. Cochin, Aoc
5. Langshan, AC
6. Rhode Island Red, AV
7. Plymouth Rock, White
8. Plymouth Rock, Aoc
9. Wyandotte, AC
10. New Hampshire
11. American, AOV
12. Leghorn, Dark Brown
13. Leghorn, Light Brown
14. Leghorn, Sc White
15. Leghorn, Aoc
16. Minorca, AC
17. Mediteranean, AOV
18. Cornish, AC
19. Australorp
20. Orpington, AC
21. English, AOV
22. Hamburg, AC
23. Polish, AC
24. Sumatra, AC
25. Old English Game, AC
26. Standard, AOV
Bantam Fowl
Sub-classes: Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet
27. Rose Comb, Black
28. Rose Comb, Aoc
29. Cornish AC
30. Old English Game, Spang
31. Old English Game, Blk Red
32. Old English Game, Duck Wing
33. Old English Game, Black
34. Old Eng Game, Wheaton
35. Old Eng Game, Aoc
36. Sebrights, AC
37. D'anver AC
38. Rhode Island Red, AV
39. Modern Game, Birchin
40. Modern Game, Aoc
41. Leghorn, Sc White
42. Leghorn, AOV
43. Japs, AC
44. New Hampshire
45. Rock, white
46. Rock, Barred
47. Rock, AOV
48. Wyandotte, Black
49. Wyandotte, White
50. Wyandotte, AOV
51. Clean Leg, AOV
52. Cochin, White
53. Cochin, Black
54. Cochin, Aoc
55. Brahma, Buff
56. Brahma, Light
57. Brahma, Dark
58. Silkie, White
59. Silkie, Aoc
60. D'uccle, Mille Fleur
61. D'uccle, Aov
62. Booted, AC
63. Featherleg, AOV
Sub-classes: Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet
64. Geese Embden
65. Geese, African
66. Geese Buff
67. Geese, China, AC
68. Geese Egyptian
69. Geese, AOV
Sub-classes: Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet
70. Duck Pekin
71. Duck Rouen
72. Heavy Duck, AOV
73. Duck Crested, White
74. Duck Cayuga
75. Medium Duck, AOV
76. Duck Runner, AC
77. Light Duck, AOV
78. Duck Call, White
79. Duck Call Grey
80. Duck Call, Aoc
81. Duck East Indie
82. Bantam Duck, AOV4
Sub-classes: Cock, Hen, Cockerel
83. English Magpie, AC
84. English Fantail, Aoc
85. Indian Fantail AOC
86. Modena Schiette, AC
87. Modena Gazzi, AC
88. Tumbler, Komoroner, AC
89. Tumbler, Lfcl, Solid
90. Tumbler, Lfcl, Aoc
91. Tumbler, AOV
92. Show Rollers, Red or Yellow
93. Show Rollers, Black or Dun
94. Show Rollers, AOC
95. Flying Roller, Bar or Check
96. Flying Roller, Aoc
97. Homers Show, Check
98. Homers Show, Barred
99. Homers Show, AOC
100. Homers Racing, Checked
101. Homers Racing, Barred
102. Homers Racing, Aoc
103. American Show Racer, Barred
104. American Show Racer, Check
105. American Show Racer, AC
106. Homer, AOV
107. Tipplers, White Flight
108. Tipplers, Aoc
109. Pouters, AC
110. Croppers, AC
111. Jacobins, AC
112. Chinese Owl, AC
113. African Owls, AC
114. Old German Owl, AC
115. Egyptian Swift, AC
116. Ice, AC
117. Pigeon, AOV
118. Doves, AC
Junior Classes
Sub-classes: Male, Female
119. Junior Standard - Clean Leg AC
120. Junior Standard - Feather Leg AC
121. Junior Bantam - Clean Leg AC
122. Junior Bantam - Feather Leg AC
123. Junior Pigeon - Clean Leg AC
124. Junior Pigeon - Feather Leg AC
125. Jr - Waterfowl - Duck AV
126. Jr - Waterfowl - Geese AV