
The 2025 theme is: All things Maple
​Parents are urged to allow their children to do the work and preparation for the exhibits without assistance. Please read and help your children understand the rules, encourage them in every way and help them to get their exhibits to the fair. Please remember to pick up your child’s beautiful work on September 1st from 4p.m. - 5:30p.m.
An exhibitor can show in
ONLY ONE higher age class
Ages are as of January 1, 2025
Regular 1st $4.00 2nd $3.00 3rd $2.00
Special 1st $5.00 2nd $4.00 3rd $3.00
Extra Special 1st $8.00 2nd $6.00 3rd $4.00
New in 2024! - Prize Money will be available for pick
up in the Homecraft Building upon opening on
Saturday morning.​

Entries on this page require tags
Please note Rules Governing the Perth Fair. They pertain to all classes. Please read them carefully.
Ages 3 & Under:
1. Bingo dauber picture of a flower
Make the picture on ½ sheet of 8 ½” x 11”
2. Pompom caterpillar
Using pompoms make a caterpillar and display on a paper plate
3. Collect 3 different leaves
Put in a zip bag
4. Make an animal from playdough
Display on a paper plate
5. Collect 6 items-2 red, 2 orange and 2 yellow and put in a plastic jar
6. Egg carton creation
Make any creation using no more than half an egg carton Extra Special
7. Edible cereal necklace
Ages 4 and 5
8. Colour a picture
Use a picture from a colouring book or off the internet
9. Collect 3 maple leaves
Attach 3 different size leaves to a paper 8 ½” x 11”. Print the letters S, M, L beside the leaves for small, medium and large
10. Fall Leaf Person
Using a single maple leaf make a person
11. Make a maple leaf from play dough or clay
Display on a paper plate
12. Tambourine
Make a tambourine using 2 paper plates
13. Make a caterpillar
using one egg carton and decorate
Extra Special
14. Rainbow
Draw a rainbow on ½ sheet of 8 ½” x 11”
Ages 6 to 8
15. Butterflies
Create 3 butterflies using coffee filters and mount to a stick no longer than 12”
16. Paper Airplane
Ready to fly
17. Picture of “Me and a Friend at the Fair”
Draw the picture on paper 8 ½” x 11”
18. Wooden Spoon Scarecrow
19. Lego Farm Machine
Build a Lego farm machine – no larger than 10” x 10” including base -no kits allowed - MUST BE STABLE FOR MOVING
20. Egg carton mini helicopter
Create and decorate a mini helicopter using one egg carton
Extra Special
21. Kindness Rock
Paint a rock and decorate it with a kind word or message - no bigger than 4”
Ages 9 to 12
22. Bookmark
Use maple theme
23. Penmanship
Print or cursive write in your best penmanship. Write 3 sentences containing interesting facts about maple trees or leaves.
24. Lego Fair Ride
Build your favourite fair ride from Lego - no larger than 10” x 10” including base - no kits allowed - MUST BE STABLE FOR MOVING
25. Dryer Lint
Make something from dryer lint. Display on a paper plate 26. Toilet Plunger Decorate a new toilet plunger to look like an animal. Any materials may be added
27. Egg Carton Tree
Make a fall tree using egg cartons and display on heavy paper or cardboard (no larger than 11” x 14”)
Extra Special
28. Maple Tree from Buttons
Create a maple tree using coloured buttons on heavy paper or cardboard (no larger than 8 ½” x 11”)
Ages 13 to 15
29. Lego Maple Leaf
Build a Lego maple leaf - no larger than 10” x 10” including base - no kits allowed - MUST BE STABLE FOR MOVING
30. Penmanship
Print or cursive write in your best penmanship. Write 4 sentences containing interesting facts about Maple Syrup making.
31. Flowers
Make 6 flowers using cupcake liners and tie together for a bouquet
32. Shoe Box Moveable Float
Build a small shoe box MOVEABLE float for a parade. Decorate to portray “What farmers give us”
33. Inukshuk
Create an inukshuk using any medium - not to exceed 8”
34. Fall Wreath using egg cartons Create a fall wreath using egg cartons
Extra Special
35. Handmade Christmas card No envelope required