Vistitor Information
Gate & Midway Hours
​Friday - Noon to 9:00pm
Saturday- 9:00am to 9:00pm
Sunday- 9:00am to 9:00pm
Monday- 9:00am to 4:00pm
Adults (13+) $15.00 Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Adults ( 13+) $10.00 Monday
Children 7-12 $5.00
Children 6 and under - FREE
Weekend Pass ( 1 Admission per day) $35.00
Advanced Midway Tickets (35 Tickets) $50.00
Friday Bracelets $40.00
Family Pack (16 Tickets) $30.00
26 Tickets $45.00
Single Tickets $2.00

Advance tickets and weekend passes are on sale from August 1st until August 29 at 11:00 AM, at the Perth Fair office and Laura Janes Pet Food & Supplies, 97 Dufferin St. Perth
​​Debit/Credit will be available at all gates and in the office​
For the safety of all visitors, exhibitors and entertainers we have a NO DOGS/NO PETS allowed policy at the Perth Fair.
Service and guide dogs are exempted from this rule.
Free Parking available on Fair grounds
Main Entrance
Pedestrian Only
Scotch Line
Pedestrian & Vehicle Entrance
Rogers Road
Pedestrian & Vehicle Entrance